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1001 Writing Prompts #1

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On this sobriety journey, one of my goals is to become a better writer. Or maybe even become a writer. Right now my writing sucks. Forget about it! But with a little practice…something can be made.

One of my ways to overcome this is to start writing. I found a book 1001 writing prompts. Yes I know there are probably thousands of those books. But let’s just start with this one and see how it goes.

The Prompt #1

It’s the hottest day of the year and all you want to do is sit near the air conditioner and soak up the cool. What do you think it would be like if you didn’t have air conditioning in the summer? What would you do to keep cool and why?

Hot, hot, hot. Where is an air conditioner when you need one? We don’t have one. One by one, all 3 of my kids come in the house, burning up from the heat and covered in sweat. Their little red faces are pouring off of them in bucketloads.

They are still little so I can fill up a pool for them or turn on the sprinkler. I think the sprinkler is a better idea. We can all take a turn walking or running through it.

The heat has been smoldering and making all our clothing stick to us. Our legs stick to whatever surface we are sitting on due to our shorts and it being so hot. I can see the heat coming off the cars and rooftops in little invisible waves. But the water will help.

The water will make everything better. Putting on the sprinkler makes air suddenly spring up. Where the air was dry and hot now there was some moisture and a little cool. Suddenly a breeze picks up. You know that happened because we turned on the sprinkler.


Trying to come up with that today was challenging as it is 32 degrees outside right now. It has been cold and wet for many days now. Being winter as it is here in Washington it does get cold.

The weather does a lot to my depression though. It makes it come in bucket loads too. But I got a meeting in me today.

Follow along to see me get better and let me know what you think too.

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